Setting Up DryLINK Integration

To get started you will need an Encircle bearer token for authorization. You will need to have your bearer token copied and ready to paste it into DryLINK.

Once you have your bearer token, log in to the DryLINK web app at and follow these steps to set up the integration:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Select Integrations.
  3. Click the Register button next to Encircle.
  4. Paste your Encircle bearer token into the field.
  5. Click Register.




Disabling the Integration

To disable the integration, navigate back to the Integrations settings page and click Disable on the Encircle integration. Then click Disable in the confirmation window to save.

When the integration is disabled, your jobs from Encircle cannot be imported or updated to DryLINK.




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