In this article:
Add Item Notes (i.e Pre-existing Damage)
Before you start inventorying, it's a good idea to snap some room overview photos and create a room note for any pre-existing damages in the room.
Photograph the Item(s)
1. Tap the + button.
2. Select Add Contents.
3. Snap a photo of your first item.
Add Item Details
4. Tap Edit Details to add some information about your item such as description, disposition, item age, quantity, etc.
a. Disposition = status or category of the item (restorable, non-restorable, etc)
b. Box Name = If the item is being packed, make sure to assign it to a box. You'll need to name or number the box and assign it a box type.
5. Tap Save to return to the item.
Add Item Notes (i.e Pre-existing Damage)
6. (Optional) Tap Notes to capture pre-existing damage photos or other notable conditions.
7. Select Add Photo Note.
8. Snap as many photos of the damage as needed.
9. Input a title and (optional) description for the note and Save.
Add More Items
10. Tap Add to add the next item. Repeat the steps above for each item, adding details as you go.
11. When finished, tap Done to save your items and return to the room.
12. (Optional) Tap the + button at any time to add more contents to the room.