My External Assignments aren't showing up from XA

If external assignments aren't showing up in Encircle, follow these troubleshooting steps.

Check the details of a recent assignment.

In XA, open up a recent assignment. Under the Details section, look at the Contractor Notified field. Click the little envelope icon; it should show your Encircle magic email address as the recipient.

Contractor Notified.png

If you don't see your magic email here, that means the assignment was not forwarded to Encircle. Double check that you have correctly set up your magic email address to receive assignments from XA.

Send a test notification.

If you're certain that your magic email address is set up correctly, try sending a test notification.

  1. From the top menu, click Administration.
  2. Select Notification Rules. Test Notification 1-2.png
  3. Click Send a Test Notification.
  4. Select your Encircle Magic Email as the contact method.
  5. Click Send Notification.
  6. In Encircle, open the External Assignments tab and confirm the test assignment is there.

Test Notification 3-6.png


Contact Encircle Support

If you complete these steps and assignments still aren't pushing through to Encircle, please reach out to us at


What NOT to do

Some users tend to try emailing the assignment directly to their magic email address, but this is a different function, and will not send the assignment to Encircle. Best to try the troubleshooting steps above and/or reach out to our support team when your external assignments are not showing up in Encircle.

Email Assginment.png



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