Customizing the Hydro Task List on a Claim (Web)

In this article:

Some jobs require more or less work than the average job, so we allow you to customize the task list at the job level. 

For example, say your org has turned off HVAC readings in the default task list, but you have a job that will require it. You can toggle the task back on for that specific job.


Updating the Task List

*Note that you will need Standard permissions or higher to make these changes.

Navigate to the claim where you want to update the task list and follow these steps:

  1. Click the Hydro tab.
  2. Click Manage Tasks.
  3. Click the toggle button to enable or disable tasks as desired.



The task list will instantly update in the mobile app for your field users. Any tasks that you disable will no longer be required for that job.

*Note that field users can edit the claim-level task list as well, as long as they have Claim Admin permissions.


Task Dependencies

Some tasks are dependent on other tasks being completed. If you edit a task with a dependency, Hydro will automatically edit the associated tasks.

For example, to generate accurate equipment calculations, it’s required that you add room dimensions.

If you disable the room dimensions task, the equipment calculations task will be disabled as well, because it depends on the room dimensions being completed.



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