Adding & Editing Users on Your Account

In this article:

How to Invite Users

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Go to the Members tab. 1-2.png
  3. Click Invite Users.
  4. Enter an email address for each user and click Send Invitations. *They will receive an email invitation prompting them to create a password and install or log in to the Encircle app on their device.


Invitations vs. Members

  1. The Invitations section shows pending invites that haven't been accepted yet. 
  2. The Organization Members sections shows users who have accepted their invites and created a password.

Invites vs Members.png


Managing Invitations

To manage the invitations, click the three dots "..." on the right.

  • Click Edit Invite to change the email address or update the user's permissions.
  • Click Resend Invitation to send a new invitation.
  • Click Remove Invite to remove an invitation.

Manage Invitation.png


Editing User Details

To edit a user's details, follow these steps:

  1. Click the 3 dots to the right of the user.
  2. Click Edit Member.Edit Member 1 & 2.png
  3. Update the user's permissions
  4. Click Change Info to save. 
  5. If you wish to revoke their access to certain features (currently applies to our Floor Plan feature), select the Access tab.
  6. Click the toggle button next to the feature.
  7. Click Change Info to save.

Edit User Access.png







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